Start sending emails that actually convert (in just 4 steps)

Learn my step-by-step approach to writing emails that grow your business

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See RESULTS every time you hit “send”

Inside the ebook, I’ll guide you through exactly how to write emails that convert, so you can see growth from every email 

  • You’ll get the 30-page email conversion ebook

  • The 4-step process to redefine your approach to email marketing

  • An email-writing formula that creates effective, action-influencing emails for you

  • Examples in action to see how it all works

  • The confidence to transform your email marketing using proven strategies

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“What a great opportunity to work with a company that understands how to move the needle with email marketing. Laura is an absolute pro!”

— Scott D., CMO

Here’s what you’ll learn in your email conversion ebook:

  1. How email marketing supports your business growth

  2. How to approach email marketing so that you’re sending emails with a purpose (that aligns to your business goals)

  3. Tips for segmenting your audience so you can prioritize based on impact

  4. How to write impactful marketing emails that will compel your audience to take action

  5. What effective email CTAs look like and how to use them

  6. When (and how) to use secondary CTAs

Laura Robison, founder of GainKite

Are you ready to see results from your email marketing?

I’ve taken everything I know about writing emails designed for impact, and packaged it up into a really simple step-by-step formula.

You can learn how to create effective marketing emails with confidence, knowing that the time you invest into your email marketing will finally be worth it.

Ready? Let’s do this.

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$27 just $12

It’s more than just “email”

On average, email marketing delivers a $36 ROI for every $1 spent

50% of people purchase from a marketing email each month

80% of small and mid-sized businesses rank email marketing as their most important channel for retaining customers

This ebook outlines a very specific process I developed for sending emails that generate results for your business.

I’ve seen this formula work across industries and company sizes; it can work for your business, too.

Laura Robison, founder of GainKite

Start sending emails that directly impact conversions, revenue, and business growth

No more guesswork.

No more generic weekly newsletter blasts that lack purpose.

We’re sending emails with intention, starting now. If business growth is important to you, it’s time to transform email marketing into a driver of growth. Because that’s exactly what it’s supposed to be.

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$27 just $12